
Heavy Breeders

Rearing: (Growing period)


The main target for young females at 20 weeks:

Uniform body weight.

Uniform sexual maturity.

The success of the flock depends mostly on uniformity. Therefore, we must get uniform birds, beginning at the lay. To achieve this objective, we recommend the following systems:

Feeding system

Two hopper bins. (Volume according to the birds’ quantity)

Flex auger equipped with electric outlets, which will maintain the feed levels of each feeding line.

The Hopper bins are mounted over loading units connected to weighing system that would operate the electric outlets. This system will insure that the right quantity of feed is used in the henhouse.

Feeding line with pan breeders, (C-2+S, C-2+) each type regulated to its tube. This system insures that each pan receives feed in the same time. Each pan designed for 12-14 birds. The pan itself is regulated according to the birds’ size. Within the pan, a sensor is installed to limit the stream of feed entering the pan, detects and eliminates feed loss.

Watering system

The supply of water to the henhouse is selected between one of two options:

  1. Bell shaped trough MK-2 or MK-6.
  2. Nipple troughs, one for 70 birds, one for 6-8 birds.

לקחת מערכות מפיטוםThe water supply to broilers is being delivered by either Nipple Drinkers or by Bell Shaped Drinkers. Their quantity is determined along with the amount of birds being raised.

Nipple drinkers are being supplied from Plasson, Val or Chore Time, decided by the farmer. Bell shaped drinkers are being supplied from Plasson.

The main water line runs into the house from the outside, by either of these two options:

Water reservoir, mounted on top of a water tower. In this option, we are holding to large quantities of water at any given time to insure correct supply to the house. The reservoir is automatically filled while the birds are drinking.

Flow supply directly from the main line, passing through a regulation system. We still house some reservoirs on the floor, in order to have secured water supply. A pump would automatically start working if water were not flowing from the main water line.

Heating systems:

In order to supply the right conditions to the birds we use one of these three heating options:

Space heaters: Those space heaters provide homogenous temperature in the house.

Tube heaters: Those tube heaters use infrared heating system, and placed along the house, they are enabling the birds much convenience.

Gas Brooders: This system enables us to raise birds in limited spaces.

Light traps

In order to achieve uniformity of the birds, we have to keep the birds inside dark environment with controlled conditions. This is done to control sexual maturity. Therefore, to insure no light is reaching inside, we are using black curtains over the walls, and seal light away of the air inlets and fans by using light traps.

Air inlets

For this type of henhouse, we are using both systems: Tunnel ventilation and Cross ventilation.

For operating Cross ventilation, we install shutters on the upper end of the spanning walls on both sides; Install 36” fans with shutters on one end of the spanning walls.

For operating Tunnel ventilation, we install an air entry on one side of the henhouse, and a fan on the other end of the henhouse.

In order to prevent light from entering the henhouse we use Light traps on the air inlets and on the fans.

Rearing: (Growing period)


The general recommendations are similar as for females.

Similar equipment is used to raise the birds.

The pan we recommend is the G+ Male. Each pan designed for 8 birds, each bell shaped trough is designed for 70 birds, and each nipple trough is designed for 8 birds.

Heavy Breeders – Maturity!

Feeding Systems

In the heavy breeders henhouse we have to limit the quantity of feed given to each bird. Therefore, we separate male from females.


We are using one of the following three options:

First option is using Ultraflo system. This system was especially developed for these purposes. The system forms a circle of troughs in which a high-speed auger is running and distributes an equal quantity of feed along the troughs. Due to the high speed of the auger, the birds cannot feed while it is running. In that case, they feed once it stops. Grill is installed on the troughs in order to prevent male from feeding there.

Second option is the Chain feeder. The system is based on the Ultraflo system.

Third option is the Pan breeders. This can include one of two options:

The first is by a circulated system of pans, called the Ultra Pan.

The second is by feeding lines or pan feeders.

In both cases we shall use C-2+ breeder pan. The grill on the pan will be added on with plastic grill, which would prevent males from reaching the feed inside, and by that enabling feed for females only. Each pan is designed for 12-13 hens. On the feeding lines as well on the circulated system, we are using adjustable tubing for even amount of feed at each pan at once, with each pan receiving feed at the same time and rate.


The male feeder is hanged in high position so females cannot reach it. The pan is G+ breeder and designed to accommodate 8-10 cocks.

The tubes are adjustable so all pans receiving feed at the same time.

Two Hopper bins, mounted over loading units would insure regular supply of feed.

The Flex Auger is equipped with electric outlets, which will maintain the feed levels of each feeding line.

Watering system

The water supply is maintained by either Bell shaped troughs or Nipple troughs.


Most breeder henhouses are still using natural ventilation. For these purposes we install transparent curtains on the spanning walls.

If required, Cooling systems and Tunnel ventilation would be installed.


We are supplying two options of nesting:

First option – Manual egg collection.

Those nests, produced by “Nili Metal Works” are made out of metal sheets, with wooden cheves. They are manufactured with 10 or 12 holes, subject to bird type.

Second Option – Automatic egg collection

Those nests are produced by Jansen Holland, a leading company at this field.

The nests are made out of plasticized wood, which is friendly with the hens. A plastic conveyor carries the eggs from its nests, leading to a main collector tube. Optional: Several collector tubes can be all connected to the main farm building, leading eggs straight to the egg packer. This system comes along with plastic slats that avoid laying eggs on the litter.




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